Materials Engineering, Inc.
47W605 I.C. Trail
Virgil, IL 60151
Sorry, you won't find a list of our customers here. We respect the confidentiality of our customers, and realize that many companies do not want their name placed on the internet for all the world to see. We won't tell others about the work we are doing for you unless we have your permission.

Our customers include billion dollar companies and one man operations.
Some have large engineering staffs and extensive laboratories, others have no formal technical training and no facilities.
They are located in 42 of the 50 states, Europe, South America and Asia.
You would recognize many of their company names, and even more of the products they produce. Give us a call if you need to know specifics about our customers.
If you have any questions about our experience and our ability to provide insight into your problems, please give Bill Durako a call at 630-365-9060.
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