Contamination is a problem common to many
industries and products. Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Micro
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (Micro-FTIR) and Gas Chromatography
- Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), Materials Engineering, Inc. can identify the
constituents present in surface contaminants, filtrates, sludges or residues, even if only a minute quantity is
available. Our EDS can detect all elements down to boron, atomic number 5,
and our GC-MS and Micro-FTIR can evaluate all organic species, allowing us
to identify virtually any contaminant.
 Learn more about SEM/EDS in the
2001 MEi newsletter.
Identification of
• Contaminants
• Residues
• Corrosion Products
• Sludges
• Filtrates
• Filters and Patches
• Wear Debris
• Oil/Grease Films
• Foreign Particles
• Surface Spots or Discoloration
Odors or Smells
Residual Solvents
Residual Monomers
Phthalate Plasticizers
Bisphenol A, or BPA
Common Applications
• Plating and Metal Finishing
• Electronics
• Medical Products
• Chemical Processing
• Brazing and Soldering
• Castings
• Bearings and Wear Components
• Cleanliness Critical Processing
Plastic Components
Molded Parts
Once the contaminant has been identified, its source can
be tracked down. Common sources of contamination are corrosion, wear and
external or foreign objects. Once the source is determined, the problem can
be eliminated.